Returns, Refunds, Chargebacks

Handling payments that have an issue.

Jared Abbott

Last Update vor einem Jahr

The Return Refund and Chargeback report is an important email report which details any issues with your payments. Make sure you have it enabled in your Inosio account under Settings > Email Reports.

What do I do when I receive the report?

Open the attached CSV or excel document and process each item one by one.

In Promas navigate to AR > Tenant History.

Use the provided tenant ID or Unit ID to locate the correct ledger.

Navigate to the receipts tab.

Locate the correct payment, verifying the Inosio Payment ID that is in Promas against the memo field in Promas. 

What to do when I receive the email report?

Process each payment one-by-one. Each payment in the report will have a payment ID, an amount, a tenant ID, a unit ID, and a reason for the return.

  1. Navigate in Promas to AR > Tenant History.
  2.  Use the tenant ID to find the correct tenant.
  3. Navigate to the receipts tab.
  4. Locate the correct payment (verify the payment ID in the memo field)
  5. Use the NSF button.
  6. Depending on the scenario add late fees, NSF fees, etc.

What do I do if a tenant tells me a payment will return or bounce?

Advise the tenant to make another payment if they are confident the one already processing will fail. 

Do not modify their ledger yet. It is best to follow the process above, rather than have some payments outside your normal process.