Send an Owner a Document

How to manage your Owner's documents.


Last Update 6 hónapja

Add a document

1. Navigate to the Owners page and look up the owner you want to send a document to.

2. Select the 'Details' icon.

3. Select 'Documents' from the sub menu on the left.

4. Click the 'Add Document' button in the upper right corner.

5. Select the 'File Type' from the list. If the type of document is not listed please let us know so we can add it!

6. Optionally, and based on the document type, choose the property that the document is for.

Example: 1 owner with 5 units. You are uploading an invoice for maintenance on one unit. Select the correct from the drop down. This will ensure that the Owner can filter by property later on and more easily locate the documents they need.

7. Click 'Browse'  or drag and drop your documents.