Payment Requests
Requesting Payment from Owners & Others
Jared Abbott
Last Update hace un año
What are Payment Requests?
A Payment Request is a way to send a link to any non resident that your company needs to receive payment from (typically owners and applicants). When you send a Payment Request link, an owner or prospective tenant can make a payment to your company, without having to setup their own Inosio account.
With a Payment Request, you are able to set the dollar amount of the request, while noting individual line items of what charges are going into the total dollar amount of the Payment Request.
Where is the Payment Requests Feature?
To use the Payment Requests feature in your Inosio PM Portal, and to see past Payment Requests, go to the Dollar Sign icon on the left side of your Portal and click into Payment Requests.
You can then search for, and view the status of, past Payment Requests and create new Payment Requests.
How to create a new Payment Request:
In your Inosio PM Portal, click into Payment Requests by selecting the Dollar Sign on the left side of your account. Within the Payment Requests page, click the New Payment Request button. Click through the process and finalize the request by clicking the Submit button at the end. After you submit the request, the last pop up will give you the option of copying the Payment Request link for you to paste into an email to send to the individual you are requesting payment from.